The Girl Behind The Titles

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Titles, accolades, education, certifications, years of experience… all of the things we search for to find a place in this world & validation in our career paths. Yet, most of my clients join me for other reasons…

I am a 20 something, amateur homesteader, outdoor-loving gal who is married to her high school sweetheart. I grew up dedicated to two things… sports and school. Since hanging my cleats up & being out of college, I’ve found so many things to pour my heart into.

I am a mama to two golden retrievers & two kitties (who are all much bigger than you see in the pictures below, but who doesn’t love baby pictures, am I right?) and we will be welcoming our first baby into the world very soon! Outside of my career as a health coach and fitness trainer you can find me spending quality time with the people I love, learning new ways to homestead from our 880sq ft rental home, or spending time outdoors. Nick and I take every opportunity to hike, camp, fish, snowboard, & travel… exploring more of God’s creation is our favorite thing to do together.

I have truly never been so fulfilled or felt so in alignment with who God says I am and simultaneously free from the boundaries that the world has tried to place on me. When we begin to let go of our past failures, all of the “what if”s, and other people’s opinions of us and start living by our OWN values, passions, and truths… amazing things happen. THAT is what connects me to my clients… not the titles, but my drive to help them create that freedom and authenticity in their own lives.

Every journey of growth starts with the courage to take the first step.

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