Freedom Foundations

I am SO excited that you are ready to learn more about your body and healing your metabolism through my women’s health course. As you will find out in the video below, this is a journey that has completely changed my life and that is my driving force behind helping YOU. Whether you are looking to get rid of physical symptoms that get in the way of your day to day life, get to a spot where your body feels safe enough to give up excess body fat, or heal your hormones/improve your menstrual health or fertility, you're in the right place! After helping so many women heal through my group coaching courses, I have decided to put a self paced course together that is more accessible and affordable!

What You’ll Learn

  • Metabolic Basics

    A deep dive into the metabolic system and how it impacts every area of your health. You will learn what I like to call the “language of your body” so that you can begin to understand what it’s telling you through various physical symptoms and learn how to heal naturally through lifestyle, diet, and fitness choices.

  • Metabolic Restoration

    We will take a deep dive into lifestyle, diet, and fitness changes that you can make to best support your metabolism & long term health. You will learn how to calculate your nutrition needs in different seasons, structure your meals throughout the day for optimal energy, and balance your meals for proper blood sugar balance and your individual goals. You will learn simple switches that you can make in your lifestyle to lower toxic load & create a more stress resilient body. Lastly, you will learn how to structure your fitness routine to support lean muscle mass & reach your individual goals, finding a balance that works best for you in this season.

  • Practical Application

    My goal with this course is not to just give you information, but to make sure that it is practical and help you bridge the gap from where you are right now to your “ideal” lifestyle, diet, and fitness choices by taking one small step at a time. This is the key to sustainable change and building a strong foundation that will hold your health up through all the different seasons of life.

The Course Material

Module 1

In module 1, you’ll be learning about the metabolic system, how it works, and how it effects every other system in your body (immune system, reproductive system, energy, sleep quality, mental health, weight management, physical fitness, hair/skin/nail health, injury prevention, and so much more).

Lessons: metabolism basics, learn your body’s language, metabolic health assessment, 5 steps to restore, 12 sources of “primary food”, mindset prep & metabolic markers,

Module 2

In module 2, you will learn how to calculate your individual energy needs depending on your current physical health, activity level, stress levels, and goals. This is a tool that you can come back to when life changes to ensure that you are able to adjust accordingly and continue to support your body and your goals.

Lessons: Introduction, common obstacles, why restriction isn’t working (on a biological level), assessment of current energy intake, calculating your individual needs, foods that provide fuel, figuring out your next step.

Module 3

In module 3, you will learn how to space out your ideal energy intake throughout your day to best support your metabolism, hormones, and any physique goals that you have. There will be sample timelines, my favorite on-the-go snacks, easy recipes, and resources to help you slowly bridge the gap from where you are to where you want to be.

Lessons: introduction, stress hormone overview, what fasting does to the body (on a biological level), assessing your current meal timing, sample meal timing (for optimal metabolic & hormonal health), “on-the-go” snack ideas, figuring out your next step.

Module 4

In module 4, you will learn how to balance your meals (carbohydrates, proteins, fats) to support optimum energy levels and metabolic health. I provide sample meal plans, grocery list templates, and the most metabolically supportive foods from each food group. I will give two different approaches to meal balance based on your current goals (maintenance or fat loss)

Lessons: introduction, metabolically supportive foods, food sensitivity: healing & reintroduction, grocery list template & shopping tips (planning, budget tips, & navigating the stores), macronutrient structure for ease & balance VS fat loss focus, sample plans, different ways to meal prep, a few quick ideas, figuring out your next step.

Module 5

In module 5, we will take a deep dive into stress. That may sound super intimidating right off the bat, but this is not going to be a module that lectures you on how important it is for you to remove life stressors. While stress management is important, it’s impossible to remove some of the stressors in our lives. So, instead of telling you to do that, I am going to teach you how stress effects the body and how you can use that knowledge to make your body more resilient to stress. In this module I will also include my favorite swaps for lower toxic living so that you can start with small, manageable changes.

Lessons: introduction, adrenal glands deep dive, chronic stress, estrogen dominance, support your liver & digestion, reduce toxic load: easy swaps, natural ways to boost your immune system, figuring out your next step.

Module 6

In module 6, we will take a deep dive into exercise. Fitness is something that I am VERY passionate about. I specialize in corrective exercise (movement repatterining that allows the body to move pain free and prevent injury), so I have studied and witnessed the life changing benefits of a proper fitness routine in my own life and in my clients’ lives. Your “optimal” fitness structure will look different depending on what season of life you’re in and what the current state of your metabolic health is. In this module you will also receive sample structures for your workouts, weekly plan, and monthly plan (depending on your goals).

Lessons: introduction, why muscle matters, muscle building basics, optimal workout block fuel, rest & recovery, supplement education, workout structure: build, workout structure: maintain, sample workouts, figuring out your next steps

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • $295 after tax. I have poured my heart and soul into this course and my goal is to give the most value possible at an affordable price. I have given the option to break the total cost into 4 payments at checkout in hopes to remove any financial barriers. You will have lifetime access to the information and resources in this course and anything that I add to it in the future.

  • While you won’t be receiving weekly group calls or 1 on 1 time with me, I have added more material and resources than what I provided in my group coaching program. If you have gone through a group coaching program with me in the past, you get access to the course for $100 ($195 off). Email me and remind me when you did your group coaching program with me and I will send you a code to access the course at that price.

  • Absolutely! What you will learn in this course will help improve your fertility as you learn how to fuel your body and live your life in a way that supports your female biology. This course is a compilation of everything that helped me (& my clients) regain a regular & pain free menstrual cycle, successfully conceive for the first time, and have an enjoyable pregnancy.

  • 100%. These are the foundations that helped me get my period back naturally after getting off of hormonal birth control, regulate my cycle (pain free periods & consistent 28-32 day cycles), and prepare my body for pregnancy. Although this is not a deep dive course into pregnancy preparation and pregnancy education (which is a huge passion of mine and will most likely be my next project), I make sure to go over basic adjustments you would want to make if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

  • I will continue to add resources or give updates to the course as time goes on. There will be no charge or “upgrade” for anyone who has already purchased the course before the time of the updates.

  • Although this course is directed towards women in the sense where I will bring up menstrual health + the conditioning we’ve faced as women, it very much applies to men too. If you have a significant other or son, you can rest assured that the principals in this course will help you nourish yourself AND them.

  • YES. My most “successful” (meaning that they reach their individual goals) clients are those who have gone through this course. Learning about your body helps you to:

    -Understand why we are making certain adjustments or approaching your plan in a certain way.

    -Buy in… when you understand why your goal or our approach is going to impact your body in a positive way & get you the results that you’re looking for, you will be that much more committed to following through!

    -Maintaining results. This course will help you truly understand the communication of your body (which is what I will use to adjust your plan when working 1 on 1 with you). The knowledge from this course will help you maintain your results when you no longer have a specific plan that I am handing to you each week. It equips you to understand what your body needs and sustain results.

Carrie T.

You should go through this course if you’ve ever thought about your metabolism, pms symptoms, overall health or want to learn more about yourself. I appreciate this program a lot and I have information I can look back on for years to come. I learned that my body needs a substantial more fuel than what I was giving it. Your body tells you so many signs about how it is feeling and learning those markers and seeing changes in those markers is REALLY cool.

Summer C.

“I started this course because wanted to learn more about my body & how it works. There are so many things that our upbringings don’t teach us about our body. Learning how your body functions is so empowering. I have learned about the different macros and what they do for your body.  I’m not as overwhelmed about nutrition like I used to be. I know how much I should be eating in a day and how to structure my meals better. I feel more satiated throughout the day and more connected to my body.”

Amanda S.

“I started this course to expand my knowledge on women’s health. I have learned so much through the program. One thing that I have noticed tremendously are my PMS symptoms have resolved. I used to get terrible cramps in my abdomen and now they have gone away! Many of us do not eat the proper amount of food to sustain our bodies. I have learned not only how much I should be eating per my body weight but also the proper nutrient dense foods that will fuel me and make me feel my best. This course has allowed me to embrace my true self, stop body shaming, and truly flip my mindset to see how strong and incredible my body is!”

*Enroll Here*

*Enroll Here*

Freedom Foundations Women's Health Course
One time
For 4 months

My course is currently under construction as I upgrade and enhance it to create an immersive women’s health course. “Freedom Foundations” will teach you how to live in alignment with your female biology by fully nourishing your body. You will receive extensive guidance with nutrition (as it is a foundational piece of nourishment and freedom), but this course will also teach you how to nourish yourself off of the plate so that you can be fully nourished and live in freedom.

You can now pre-enroll & get access to modules as they are released.

all current enrollees will get access to this upgrade at no additional cost